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Brand New Website!

Doubell Machines has long been at the forefront of bringing brick-machinery machinery to the emerging entrepreneur. When "brick machines" were seen to be giant factories for the big companies, it was Clive Doubell who sought to enlighten the people that bricks were something that anyone could make.

For years, we have been educating the public by offering affordable machinery that we have been perfecting. When you buy our products, you know that you are benefiting from three decades of experience in this specific field of making bricks and thereby making money!

Our website has been serving the public since the 90's with our first major revamp allowing for customers to create their own income projection and business plan for a brickyard specific to our products. We have seen at least 2000 unique customers pass through our online portal each month with a great deal of new registrations each day.

It is once again time to upgrade the online store for a modern experience of information, learning and product browsing.

We will strive to provide you the most useful experience and further reinforce our brand as a provider of reliable products with consistent service and training backup.

We will re-deploy the original blog articles from the old website as well as create more specific posts to be featured under the relevant products throughout the website.


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